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root@hacefresko:~$ ./blog.sh

[ info ] A personal blog about my journey into bug hunting and vuln research. [ posts ] [2024-04-06] Accessing +700,000 users data and reading files on a Solr endpoint ...... web, bugbounties [2022-02-11] Finding an RCE in the TP-Link tapo c200 camera ................................. iot, 0day [2021-10-26] Exploiting an SSTI in LiquidJS to read any file in the server ........... web, bugbounties [ CVEs ] [CVE-2024-2188] TP-Link archer ax50 stored XSS via UPnP ........................... [advisory][exploit] [CVE-2021-4045] TP-Link tapo c200 unauthentiacted RCE ............................. [advisory][exploit] [ social ] $ email $ twitter $ bluesky $ github $ hackerone $ bugcrowd